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Showing posts from April, 2017

A New Hope

Why do we get so excited to hear a new baby is going to be born?  We don't know this person.  Not even the mother carrying the child knows the person.  Yet, the universal reaction to the news of an impending birth is one of joy. How weird is that?  In no other situation do people, as a collective whole, get so excited to meet someone new. I mean, what if I were to walk up to you and say, "Guess what? In about nine months or so, I'm going to introduce a completely new person to you.  In fact, this person will be moving into my home.  No, no, I don't know who it is yet, and I have no idea what kind of personality she will have.  All I know is that I will be serving at her every beck and call, she won't speak our language, and I expect you to love this person and assist me in waiting on her and completely re-centering the focus of the social group onto this unknown individual."  You'd think I was crazy!  And yet, that's exactly what we do when a new