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Showing posts from December, 2018

A Word to the Support System

For most of us, there comes a time in life where basic functions become celebrations.  Where abilities that were once take for granted are now mountains we must climb.  Where often modesty and personal dignity step aside in the face of necessity. These inevitable moments may arise after a surgery, when the recovering patient can finally use the restroom on his own instead of in a bedpan held by a nurse.  A new mother finds sweet satisfaction in the ability to shave her own legs after months of not seeing her own feet.  The simple words "yes" and "no," uttered from a stroke patient's mouth, brings victorious tears to everyone in the room. Whether it's relatively short-lived or stems from a long-term illness, these experiences force us to look at ourselves - and the people around us - differently.  Others often surprise us with their "true colors," as it were.  The gruffest person we know could become our most attentive friend.  Those we thought