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Showing posts from July, 2017

Hail Hydra: Idolatry & Forgiveness

Forgiveness.  Just when you think you have it mastered, it comes back to bite you in the butt.  It may be with the same person.  It could be with a similar circumstance involving a different person.  It may be the exact same instance that you thought you forgave five minutes ago!  The point is, as soon as you become complacent in your battle to forgive - as soon as you get comfortable - anger, resentment, and bitterness will show up. For all you Marvel movie fans, it reminds me of Hydra, one of the evil organizations Captain America fights.  Their slogan reads, "If they cut off one head, two more shall take its place."  That is often what a victory in forgiveness feels like for me.  When the anger resurfaces, it often feels twice as strong - and/or twice as devastating. "Hail, Hydra!" This is one thing I have learned this week as I travel ever farther from age 23.  The second thing I'm about to share sounds like I'm jumping ship, but please.